As if the choices in life aren't hard enough, it's hard not to regard what other people are doing. Your life is supposed to be about you, and you aren't supposed to let what others 'do' or 'think' guide that. I don't know about the rest of ya'll, but I have such a hard time. I work for me and do for me, as long as i'm happy with me.. but when i'm not its all I can do to forget about what other people are doing or thinking. For example, for the past three years I have been working towards a diploma in a field that I thought was truly the only career choice for me. In my final year, I had to overcome some stressors and ended up realizing that it wasn't really for me. My entire group of friends were from this program and they continued to excel and continue on with it. They are all now attending a major university. My boyfriend is also included in this. I decided to take the year off and "figure things out" but the only thing I seem to figuring out is that i'm behind them and my future isn't looking as bright.
It's hard not to be hard on yourself and it's hard to pick yourself back up.
I would like to do something and get it over with, but I feel like colleges are the only place I could go and succeed but then I think of them with their great universities and I feel like I should be doing university. I feel like if I don't go to university, then I will be worth less then them. I won't be considered as smart, i'll be some simple program graduate who is too lazy to make more of themselves. I actually feel embaressed to admit to them that I'm even considering anything less.
I probably don't have to feel that way at all but I absolutely do and I just can't get past it.
It's hard not to be hard on yourself and it's hard to pick yourself back up.
I would like to do something and get it over with, but I feel like colleges are the only place I could go and succeed but then I think of them with their great universities and I feel like I should be doing university. I feel like if I don't go to university, then I will be worth less then them. I won't be considered as smart, i'll be some simple program graduate who is too lazy to make more of themselves. I actually feel embaressed to admit to them that I'm even considering anything less.
I probably don't have to feel that way at all but I absolutely do and I just can't get past it.